Today, I met with a fellow clergy person in town for lunch and to catch up as it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. As we sat down at a table in the local cafe, I saw that he had a devotional book. He described that he had just come from his Wednesday morning worship service and Bible study and that a woman in his congregation had approached him after the study had ended and asked if he knew the new young woman pastor who was working at the Presbyterian Church in town. My clergy friend said yes and that funnily enough he was leaving directly from their study to come and meet me for lunch. That’s when she handed him said devotional book (picture attached) and asked him to deliver it to me. When I asked if I could have the parishioner’s name so that I could write her a thank you letter, my friend stated that she insisted upon remaining anonymous but wanted to do a little something nice for me. My heart melted. It is literally one of the nicest things that anyone has ever done for me, let alone in my new town. I wish I knew who the woman was, but if she ever gets the chance to read this, I hope she realizes how grateful I am for her kindness and for thinking of me. I will cherish my new devotional always and consistently be reminded of that anonymous woman’s kindness toward me.