This story isn't long or all that involved, but the kindness went a long way because of, well, chocolate. My fiancé and I biked to the Atlanta
from Arthur’s life as a Pianist in Houston
I asked some friends for kindnesses to share, this is from Arthur Crissey who is a blind pianist I've known for many years: I have two kindnesses
Protective Breathing Room
It’s been nearly a decade since my dad passed away, but some of the kindnesses that were shown to me during that vulnerable time were things I will
Need a lift?
Thursday, 2nd Feb 2017. Timperley tram stop, Manchester England, UK. Muslim woman with a baby in a pram... Two big, burley white guys... "Can we help
Kindness Calling
Today, I met with a fellow clergy person in town for lunch and to catch up as it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. As we sat down at a table