This story isn’t long or all that involved, but the kindness went a long way because of, well, chocolate. My fiancé and I biked to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens today – a 3-mile ride from our house. It’s already pretty hot in Atlanta, and 3-miles is no short ride for us, so we were pooped when we got there! We walked around the Gardens for a bit and then saw a new snack stand where we stopped to get a cookie. My fiancé asked the man behind the counter for a chocolate chip cookie and there were only two left in the jar. The man said, “Only one? For both of you?” Yes – we were splitting because we only had $1 since we were on our bikes. The nice man smiled and said “well, I accidentally dropped an extra cookie in your bag, oops! You’ll have to eat two!” It was a tasty, simple, and sweet way to put huge smiles on our faces, extra chocolate in our bellies, and add a little more kindness into the world today. Happy Saturday!